Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fabric Table Top and Battens

I received the Rhino "Self-Healing" cutting mat from last night. It was much thicker than I assumed it would be and looks to be some really high quality material. I also received a roll of double-sided carpet tape that I was hoping would do the trick to secure the mat to the fabric cutting table top. The "XFasten Double-Sided Carpet tape" ended up working better than I hoped and is completely removable if I ever need to re-position the mat some time down the road. The tape is really thin and very sticky, so it may come in handy later on when I start laying up the composite materials.

The counter top material for the big lamination table isn't due until later this week, so I think I'll spend some time tomorrow cleaning up the shop. It's quite a mess in there after running the table-saw for half a day!

I also have some tool maintenance to take care of, but after I get the table top glued down I'll be rolling out the full sized plans to begin marking out the float frames.

I left the mat overnight to flatten out from being curled up in the shipping box

Seriously Heavy duty cutting mat!
Over 4mm thick

Double sided carpet tape

Carpet tape laid out and ready to receive the cutting mat

Cutting mat installed and trimmed to size with the track saw

Ripping battens all day resulted in nearly filling this garbage can

My little guy and my daughter helping to do a quick sanding of the battens after pre-drilling

A good stack of mostly 12' (3.6m) milled battens ready for use.
I'm sure this is just the beginning of many more required...

1 comment:

  1. Dallas, Greg Carter here. I had not realized the Floats page was active, so it was fantastic today to catch up on your progress. CONGRATULATIONS on the beginning of construction! Your methodical work and rapid progress is very promising. Great job getting the shop ready and the strong backs going.
    I want to pass along a hard lesson learned. Finally got the pro boat builder to my shop last week. While I was thrilled to hear him say F36 005 is ready to start painting, it was bittersweet for him to point out a dozen or so composites techniques I didn't know. No one thing was any big deal but all together I think if I had known his tips I could have cut hundreds of hours out of the build and be sailing already. It was a bold move to build one of these beasts without having any real fiberglassing experience, and I wish I had done a bit of apprenticing or taken a good hands on class first. No one said any of this to me four years ago, so I offer it up for your consideration. I'd be happy to chat a few minutes by phone if you want.
    I will very much enjoy seeing your 2016 posts!
    Congrats again.
