Monday, February 1, 2016

New Toys...

So if you believe the hype (like I did), I'll have the smoothest hulls around in about fifteen minutes or so (maybe a little more - but don't interrupt my dream)

I've seen these floating around here and there, but the original company "Flexicat" seems to be defunct and is now replaced with a new company "FlexiSander". I'm not quite sure what happened there, but the tools are the same - only a different color.

I tried contacting the sales department of the USA Distributor regarding the Credit Card functionality failure on their site and then <nothing>, I even called and left a message - no reply... still to this day.
So I turned my attention to the overseas manufacturer site and inquired about shipping a set of tools to the USA. I got a quick reply (considering the time zone) and then took a real leap of faith and wired (yes, WIRED) the payment to the Czech Republic in hopes of receiving some goods in return.
After the money was gone, I squinted my eyes and held my breath while waiting for shipment confirmation. To my great relief, I received nothing less than a completely professional response and immediate shipping. The package arrived today with two filling knives and three sanding boards.

This would be the "Professional FlexiSander Set-A Kit"

The packaging was not so great, but no damage was evident and everything seems to be in order.
I'll need to pick up some Velcro backed sandpaper for the boards.
They'll be put to use here soon enough.

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