Monday, April 11, 2016

Starboard Float Raised Deck Installed

This weekend I finally got prepped out the installation of the Raised Deck portion of the Starboard float. This required the careful measuring and trimming of the deck piece and then working it into position on the frame mold. I measured everything and carefully put the marks in place and then measured and checked again before turning out the lights and going in for the evening.

It has been my experience that measurements will sometimes magically "change" overnight if I'm tired, plus it's always easier to trim off a little more than cut too much off in the first place. I think we've all heard that expression, "I cut it three times and it's STILL too short!"

So the next morning, I measured everything again (using metric this time - just because) and committed to making the trim cuts. After a little sanding and some help from my daughter we got the piece installed and secured without much of a problem. Now I just need to wait on some funding for the next foam order to finish up the planking on this half and we can finally get this thing moving in the right direction again.
The upper edge of carbon will be trimmed off to the proper height before the two halves are mated.

I left the lashing tube long on both sides to allow for trimming later on.
It's always preferable to trim off excess instead of wishing it were a little longer.

Those big triangle pieces will be trimmed off once the rest of the foam is laid in place.
Tthey are only serving as "filler" for now

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